N. Achyut java Types of Method in Java | Basic Java Tutorial

Types of Method in Java | Basic Java Tutorial

Types of Method in Java | Basic Java Tutorial

A method holds the blocks of code and execute when it is called .

  • It is a block of code that performs a specific task.
  • Method are bound to a class and they define the behaviour of a class

Types of Method in Java

  • Standard Library Methods
    – It is already predefined in Java Library such as println, printf etc.
  • User- Defined Methods
    – User created their own method, using the specific Syntax.

Variation in Java

There are four variation of Method in Java

  1. Method with no argument and no return type
  2. Method with return type but no arguments
  3. Method with argument but no return type
  4. Method with both argument and return type

Example to demonstrate Methods in Java

package practice_12;
public class Methods
    //1. Method with no argument and no return type
    public static void sum()
        int a=5, b=5;
        int sum = a+b;
        System.out.println("sum = "+ sum);
    //2.Method with return type but no arguments 
    public static int sub()
        int a=10, b=5;
        int diff=a-b;
        return diff;
    //3.Method with argument but no returntype
    public static void mul(int a , int b)
        System.out.println("mul= "+ a*b);
    //4.Method with both argument and returntype
    public static double div(double a, double b)
//      double divide= a/b;
        return a/b;
    public static void main(String[] args)
//        int subtract=sub();
          System.out.println("sub= "+ sub());
          System.out.println("division = "+ div(10.5,5.5));

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