N. Achyut java,Java Introductions,Uncategorized object oriented programs to calculate the area in java.

object oriented programs to calculate the area in java.

object oriented program to find area

5) Write object oriented programs to calculate the area of a
a) Circle
b) Square
c) Rectangle
d) Sphere

  • In object oriented programming, program is divided into small parts called objects.
  • Object oriented programming follows bottom up approach.
  • Adding new data and function is easy.
  • Object oriented programming provides data hiding so it is more secure.
  • Object oriented programming is based on real world.
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package assignments;

 * @author 5442
public class Qs5ObjectOriented {
    private double l;
    private double b;
    public Qs5ObjectOriented(double l, double b){
        this.l = l;
        this.b = b;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Qs5ObjectOriented x = new Qs5ObjectOriented(5,6);
           System.out.println("the area of circle is "+x.Circlearea()+"n The area of Square is "+x.Squarearea() +
                "n the area of Rectangle is : "+x.Rectanglearea()+ "n The area of Sphere is: "+x.Spherearea());
    public double Circlearea(){
        return 2*Math.PI*l*l;
    public double Squarearea(){
        return l*l;
    public double Rectanglearea(){
    return l*b;
    public double Spherearea(){
        return 4*Math.PI*l*l;

Output of this program :

the area of circle is 157.07963267948966
The area of Square is 25.0
the area of Rectangle is : 30.0
The area of Sphere is: 25.0
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