N. Achyut News Zoom App Leaking Data | Naked man in video| 0- Securities

Zoom App Leaking Data | Naked man in video| 0- Securities

zoom app leaking data

Zoom App Leaking Data / Naked man in video / 0- Securities /Zoom Video call /conference

Zoom App leaking data related to email addresses, picture and videos. Moreover it is spying our video even you close the application.

Recently, The founder of Zoom apologized the mistake over leaking the user data and spying the user’s activities and he promised to fix the app as soon as possible in time.

Using Zoom was one of the most dangerous flaws that found in the video meeting. Zoom CEO apologized for the issue and preparing the solution to encrypt all the data.

Zoom App leaking data

Latest privacy leak confirmed as : zoom adds other people to a user’s list of contact and spying the data of the connected people also recording the video and photos in their disk.

source : colzlife

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