TUIOST ( Tribhuvan University Institute of Science and Technology) provides the syllabus for the CSIT student. In fourth semester we have 5 different subject.
Theory of computation : View Syllabus
This course presents a study of Finite State Machines and their languages. It covers the details of finite state automata, regular expressions, context free grammars. More, the course includes design of the Push-down automata and Turing Machines. The course also includes basics of undecidabilty and intractability. (View Syllabus)
Course Objectives:
The main objective of the course is to introduce concepts of the models of computation and formal language approach to computation. The general objectives are to, introduce concepts in automata theory and theory of computation, design different finite state machines and grammars and recognizer for different formal languages, identify different formal language classes and their relationships, and determine the decidability and intractability of computational problems.
Computer Network :- View Syllabus
This course introduces concept of computer networking and discuss the different layers of networking model. (View Syllabus)
Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to introduce the understanding of the concept of computer networking with its layers, topologies, protocols & standards, IPv4/IPv6 addressing, Routing and Latest Networking Standards.
Operating System :- View Syllabus
This course includes the basic concepts of operating system components. It consists of process management, deadlocks and process synchronization, memory management techniques, File system implementation, and I/O device management principles. It also includes case study on Linux operating system. (View Syllabus)
Database Management Sys :- View Syllabus
The course covers the basic concepts of databases, database system concepts and architecture, data modeling using ER diagram, relational model, SQL, relational algebra and calculus, normalization, transaction processing, concurrency control, and database recovery. (View Syllabus)
Course Objective:
The main objective of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of database, data modeling techniques using entity relationship diagram, relational algebra and calculus, basic and advanced features SQL, normalization, transaction processing, concurrency control, and recovery techniques.
Artificial Intelligence :- View Syllabus
The course introduces the ideas and techniques underlying the principles and design of artificial intelligent systems. The course covers the basics and applications of AI including: design of intelligent agents, problem solving, searching, knowledge representation systems, probabilistic reasoning, neural networks, machine learning and natural language processing. (View Syllabus)
Course Objectives:
The main objective of the course is to introduce concepts of Artificial Intelligence. The general objectives are to learn about computer systems that exhibit intelligent behavior, design intelligent agents, identify AI problems and solve the problems, design knowledge representation and expert systems, design neural networks for solving problems, identify different machine learning paradigms and identify their practical applications.