N. Achyut Uncategorized 15 Amazing keyboard shortcuts you had never used!

15 Amazing keyboard shortcuts you had never used!

There are people who do their job lighting fast with the help of keyboards. Switching from keyboards to mouse and vice versa during regular computer work is really time consuming. There are keyboard shortcuts that is really really handful.

These keys not only speeds up your work but also introduces you to the whole lot of things that you have never been known about. There are computer features which is complicated to explore with mouse but really fast on your keyboards.

Here are the list of 15 keyboards shortcuts:

  1. Create Virtual Desktop

    Windows + Ctrl + D (For Windows)
    Control + up (Mac)

2. Switch between virtual desktop

Windows + Ctrl
(for switching you can press the arrow keys right or left)

3. Return to the Desktop from apps

Windows + M

4. Open an app from the Taskbar

Windows + (Numbers)
Each number defines a different app

5. Split screen between two apps

Open one app and press
Windows + Left arrow
Open another app and press
Windows + Right arrow

6. Switch apps

Control + Alt + Tab (windows)
Control + Tab (Mac)

7. Program Management and Troubleshooting

Ctrl + Shift + ESC (Windows)
Command + Option + ESC (Mac)

8. Open file Explorer

Windows + E

9. Use Magnifier

Windows + “+” or “-“

10. Take screenshot

Windows + printscreen (Windows)
Command + Shift + 3 (Mac)

11. Use Action Center

Windows + A

12. Access the Setting

Windows + I

13. Talk to cortana or Siri

Windows + C (cortana)
Command + Space (Siri)

14. Use the Windows game bar

Windows + G
for recording
Windows + Alt + R
for streaming
Windows + Alt + B

15. Lockdown your PC

Windows + L (Windows)
Shift + Command + Q (Mac)

These are the list of keys that are really useful for your daily use.

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